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Women in Uncrewed Systems 
Interest Group

The purpose of the AAUS Women in Uncrewed Systems Interest Group (WUSIG) is to promote and support the active participation of women in the uncrewed systems industry, which includes both aviation and maritime domains. WUSIG aims to create a more inclusive and diverse environment within the industry, advocating for the rights and opportunities of women professionals, and fostering networking and professional development opportunities.

Terms of Reference
  1. Increase Participation -  WUSIG seeks to encourage and enhance the participation of women in the uncrewed systems industry across all levels, including entry-level positions, leadership roles, and entrepreneurship.
  2. Advocacy - WUSIG will actively advocate for the inclusion and representation of women in the uncrewed systems industry, collaborating with relevant stakeholders to address barriers and challenges faced by women professionals.
  3. Information and Resources - WUSIG will provide accurate and up-to-date information, resources, and tools to support women in their careers within the uncrewed systems industry, and may (resources permitting) provide mentoring activities, educational opportunities, and industry insights. 
  4. Networking and Collaboration - WUSIG aims to foster networking opportunities among women professionals, enabling collaboration, knowledge sharing, and the formation of partnerships within the drone industry.
Working Group Members
  • Sue Osborn (Nova Sky Stories) - Chair
  • Alana Flack (Trendspek)
  • Alesha Currie (Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts)
  • Amanda Meys (CSIRO)
  • Amy George (Wing)
  • Amy Steiger (Stantec)
  • Amymae McMahon (SUAS Rov)
  • Barbara Bollard (University of Woolongong)
  • Bree McManus (Wing)
  • Carla Franson (University of Adelaide)
  • Carly Box (Australian Defence Force)
  • Carol Lankuts (Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts)
  • Debbie Saunders (Wildlife Drones)
  • Elisha Chandra (Aviassist)
  • Elita Huynh (Thales)
  • Emma Gale (SLSNSW)
  • Emilie Hoffmann Fattore (Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts)
  • Emily Francis (Australian UAV Service)
  • Fiona Lake (Rural Drone Academy)
  • Hayley Houston (BAE Systems)
  • Jackie Dujmovic (Hover UAV)
  • Jenna Marschall (Aviassist)
  • Jennifer Williams (Boeing Insitu)
  • Jodie Sherwell (KPMG)
  • Joni Sytsma (iLAuNCH)
  • Karen Joyce (James Cook University)
  • Katherine Tuinman-Neal (Fire Rescue NSW)
  • Kaylyn Chandran (Future Maintenance Technologies)
  • Kim Anquetil (Dronamics)
  • Laura Sutton (Mirragin)
  • Leah Kessner (Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water)
  • Lesley Condon (Toll)
  • Liesl Harris (Gap Drone)
  • Lorda Omeissah (University of NSW)
  • Lori Mancell (Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts)
  • Marnie Denlay (University of Adelaide)
  • Melanie Olsen (AIMS)
  • Molly Ellis Hennekam (University of Adelaide)
  • Olga Kubyk (Norton White)
  • Olivia Breen (Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water)
  • Renee Bartolo (Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water)
  • Sally Allsopp (Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water)
  • Siobhan Sleater McMahon (SUAS Rov)
  • Stacey Goodrum
  • Suzanna Olofsson (Nova Systems)
  • Greg Tyrrell (AAUS)

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