If you have registered to attend Avalon this year, please join Airservices Australia and the Australian Association for Uncrewed Systems (AAUS) for a chat, exploring how industry collaboration supports the evolution of the UTM ecosystem and fosters industry growth in the uncrewed sector. We’ll also be handing out some delicious ‘Dronuts’!
Date: Thursday 27 March
Time: 1000-1200
Location: Airservices Australia stall, Exhibition Hall 4, Avalon Event Site
Cost: Free to those registered to attend Avalon
Registration: Not required
Hosted By
Airservices Australia
Australian Association for Uncrewed Systems
Airservices Australia’s other events being held at Avalon:
Automating Air Traffic Management for drones discussion panel and networking event
Join Airservices Australia, Frequentis Australasia, Yarra Drones, AvSoft and OneSky for a discussion on how Airservices new Flight Information Management System (FIMS) will enable the safe and sustainable integration of drones into Australian Airspace
Date: Tuesday 25th March
Time: 1530 - 1730
Location: Airservices Australia Executive Business Unit E28, Avalon Event Site
Registration: Free to those registered to attend Avalon
Register now
Integrating Advanced Air Mobility into Australian airspace Q&A
Join Airservices Australia and Wisk Aero for a networking event, exploring integrating Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) in Australia's Airspace
Date: Wednesday 26th March
Time: 1430 - 1530
The event will be between two locations: 1430-1500: Airservices Australia stall, Hall 4
1500-1530: Wisk Aero stall, Hall 4
Contact Us
PO Box 496 Glen Waverley VIC 3150